The writing and publishing of My Father’s Gift has truly been a gift in itself, and I am proud and humbled that today is the official release date!

Setting up for the Texas Academy of PAs conference in Fort Worth

So much has been happening in the flurry of the book’s imminent release. Tonight is a launch party with family and a few friends, and tomorrow begins the weekend-long Texas Academy of PAs conference in Fort Worth…

Next Tuesday I’ll be interviewed by KLBK-TV CBS Lubbock for the evening news, and several bookstores are arranging book signings of My Father’ Gift.

Many thanks to all who have helped make this possible, but most of all of course to my father, without which there would be no gift and no incredible story…


P.S. As some of you may know, it is very important to have online reviews of the book so that new readers can find it, too. I ask a favor, that you visit THIS LINK and leave a quick review of your own? I would be most grateful… Sixtus