Sixtus Atabong is available to give talks at organizations, bookstores, libraries, churches, youth organizations and schools. Talks below can be customized for your group. Please visit https://sixtusatabong.com/contact/ to inquire for a date to host the author at your event!

The American “Dream”: An Immigrant Success Story

  • How do we protect the American Dream while providing hope and freedom to those most desperate?
  • What it really means to grow up in a third world country
  • Why are people risking their lives to come to America?
  • Why a parent will willingly give their children to Americans
  • How mission workers are offered children every year in their journeys

Learn about immigration issues from an immigrant’s perspective, one whose parents risked their very lives to give their children an opportunity to realize the American Dream. Sixtus Atabong presents a lively discussion of the desperation some refugees face, where even an American jail is safer than the tyranny and hopelessness they’ve left behind.

Passport to Purpose: Why Are We Here?

  • We are each other’s PASSPORT to their PURPOSE – How can we better facilitate this in our communities?
  • A Passport allows us to travel outside our countries of origin, to venture outside our comfort zones, to own an identity.
  • Our Purpose is the search for answers to WHO, WHAT, WHY (Defining our self). Interaction is our opportunity to help each other find our purpose.

Can we find ourselves through serving others? Sixtus Atabong, the ultimate example of “Pay it Forward” demonstrates how defining a purpose can help us and everyone around us…      

Racial Healing in America: Can We Be the Change?

  • Sixtus Atabong presents a unique perspective as an African (black) from a place with no diversity, coming from class discrimination to racial discrimination
  • What is the difference between class discrimination and racial discrimination?
  • What is the solution, given the current trend in populism? How can we do better for ourselves and our children?

This is an open, honest discussion on discrimination, how class discrimination can be overcome by changing one’s circumstance, vs. racial discrimination based on a person’s color or country of origin, over which someone has no control. How both affect human dignity and what we can do about it in our communities.

Purposeful Charity: How Do We Promote Our Life’s Purpose?

  • How can we influence how charity is done to promote Sustainability, Empowerment, and Taking Ownership?
  • How do we define the charity WE should be aligned with?
  • What guidelines can we be aware of to support the “right charity” – what guidelines should charities follow to derive the most benefit from donations of time, talent and dollars?

Thought charity is doing something for someone else without benefit, the truth is that we benefit when we help others. A frank discussion of how to align with a charity that will help you, and the organization, make a real difference.

Hope Versus Despair: Fighting Corruption in Developing Countries

  • How can we change despair to hope when a situation seems hopeless?
  • Why America is so successful in promoting hope vs. giving in to despair?
  • What is the solution in developing countries where power, greed, intimidation and human rights abuses are the order of the day?

Human rights activist and author Sixtus Atabong discusses the challenges facing a new generation of hopeful youth in third world countries. How can westerners affect change when so much corruption threatens to impede progress?

Aspire To Inspire Before You Expire

  • Tomorrow’s success starts by recognizing our strengths and weaknesses today.
  • Helping our youth in developing countries and the United States find their unique abilities and purpose despite their challenges
  • Building self-esteem in recognizing that we are a gift perfectly created for God’s Purpose.
  • Setting achievable goals, promote hard work, perseverance and self-determination.

An open discussion designed to inspire young people. Sixtus’ journey from a farming village in West Africa, raised by parents with no formal education who taught him how to believe in himself despite many obstacles including poverty and bullying. A true inspirational success story.